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Mixed Materials Kitchen Design

Using mixed materials when designing your kitchen is not a new concept, but the trend is currently gaining momentum in homes across the UK. Of course, it’s not hard to see why. We already mix and match colours and tones to create exciting visual effects in our kitchens – why should materials be any different. […]

How to Use Pink in Your Kitchen Design

Pink isn’t often a colour associated with kitchen design, yet it’s one that is becoming ever-more popular in modern UK kitchens. Traditionally seen as overtly feminine and somewhat childlike, current kitchen design trends are showing the world just how versatile a colour it can be. From pale pastel pinks to vibrant fuchsias, there are so […]

Coastal Kitchen Design

Val Driftwood

Coastal kitchens are a popular design trend that helps you bring the freshness of a summer’s day on the beach into your home. While this particular style used to be the preserve of beachfront properties and summer homes, now even the most urban of homeowners are enjoying added a touch of the sun, sea, and […]

Georgian Kitchen Design

When we talk about Georgian kitchen design, we’re not actually basing a modern kitchen on one from the Georgian era. Such kitchens would have been brick-lined basement rooms used by cooks, pantry staff, and other servants. Rather, a modern Georgian kitchen incorporates elements of design taken from the other (more public) rooms in classic Georgian […]